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Captions for photos

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    Originally posted by AlPrunty View Post
    Personally I hate when people embed text in a vintage photo... there are ways to embed comments into the EXIF of the file so that the text is there as hidden metadata. but still accessible if you know where to look for it. I like to see the people in context with the whole scene. I have a friend who posts a lot of vintage photos on the hometown website, but he colorizes (horribly) all of the vintage black and white photos.. and embeds text into them. TO me this ruins the experience of learning how our ancestors lived and takes away from the story. I do like to see my Grandmother, but in a photo of her restaurant I also see her waffle iron I have on my counter... I see things mom has in her china cabinet and now know where they come from and other family treasures that my Grandmother had displayed in her restaurant... but with all the tags and clutter that this friend posts I miss seeing the items that make the photo even more special to my family.

    Agreed. Make a copy for Acrobat named “ClassReunionxxx_annotated.”

