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Exporting GEDCOM to Ancestry

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    Exporting GEDCOM to Ancestry

    Hello, I have had a problem trying to upload a GEDCOM file on Ancestry to a private tree.
    1. I go to the upload GEDCOM page
    2. I go to EXPORT GEDCOM to Ancestry
    3. I choose the file I want
    4. I add description and privacy filter and agree to terms
    5. I click UPLOAD
    6. I get an error message: The filename you have specified is not valid: Lewis10.ged

    What am I doing wrong?

    Re: Exporting GEDCOM to Ancestry

    I assume that the tree Lewis10 does not yet exist in your account.
    I do not think you can add to an existing tree.


      Re: Exporting GEDCOM to Ancestry

      No, it did not already exist on Ancestry. Well, I tried again several more times and it worked. I have no idea what was different. Anyway, I am happy about the outcome and will now attempt to load other family trees.

