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Links include prefix and suffix titles

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    Links include prefix and suffix titles

    When you add a connection to another person in a note field, the text includes prefix and suffix titles from that linked person.

    It is possible to change the embedded text without breaking the link but Is there any option to embed only first and last name ?

    Note that when you change any name fields in a person linked to another, the text used as a clickable link is not updated.
    Last edited by Legolas; 24 October 2020, 08:00 AM.

    Originally posted by Legolas View Post
    ....Is there any option to embed only first and last name ?
    No, currently this is not an option.

    Note that when you change any name fields in a person linked to another, the text used as a clickable link is not updated.
    This is intentional, to avoid changes to the person's name fields potentially overwriting changes made to the clickable link.

    Mark Harrison
    Leister Productions, Inc.

