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Descendants Charts

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    Descendants Charts

    I am creating a set of Descendants Charts for a family, each child and spouse and their children. One child married but had no children. I still want to make a Descendants Chart for them to keep the set of six children all the same. I am printing the families and putting them in notebook.

    Is there any way I can make a DC for a couple with no children?

    Re: Descendants Charts

    Originally posted by Philip Drugge View Post
    Is there any way I can make a DC for a couple with no children?
    Well, sort of, but a descendant chart for a couple with no children is going to be a single box with the couple's name and dates in it. Wouldn't it be easier to just use that single box from another chart?

    But don't let me dissuade you if you really want this. Here's one way:
    [1] go to the couple's family card
    [2] add a fake child (first name: Fake, last name: Child, or whatever)
    [3] create a descendant chart
    [4] go to the chart, click on the Fake Child's box, hit the delete key
    [5] save the chart
    Dennis J. Cunniff
    Click here to email me


      Re: Descendants Charts

      If you use Dennis' suggestion, maybe you can convey a tiny bit more information by naming the fake child "NO CHILDREN" and leaving the box in the chart. If you want it to look less like a placekeeper, you can edit the box and eliminate the connecting line and/or the box outline, fill, and shadow.
      Tim Lundin
      Heartland Family Graphics


        Re: Descendants Charts

        Originally posted by ttl View Post
        If you use Dennis' suggestion, maybe you can convey a tiny bit more information by naming the fake child "NO CHILDREN" and leaving the box in the chart. If you want it to look less like a placekeeper, you can edit the box and eliminate the connecting line and/or the box outline, fill, and shadow.
        I think "no children" is an excellent suggestion. It's actually a reason for the chart to exist!

        For other circumstances, "no known children" or "descendants untraced" might be other options.
        Dennis J. Cunniff
        Click here to email me

