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multimedia layout

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    multimedia layout

    I'm just upgrading to R10, and so I was looking at the example sites provided primarily because I wanted to see how multimedia items such as census images show up. I have individuals with birth, death, marriage certificates as well as multiple census sheets, naturalization papers, etc. and I wanted to get a sense of how all that comes together on the person's sheet.

    Unfortunately I couldn't find any sample sites with multimedia (beyond photos). Could someone possibly point me to a more complex example?

    Thank you.

    Re: multimedia layout

    Originally posted by rlgreen View Post
    I'm just upgrading to R10, and so I was looking at the example sites provided primarily because I wanted to see how multimedia items such as census images show up. I have individuals with birth, death, marriage certificates as well as multiple census sheets, naturalization papers, etc. and I wanted to get a sense of how all that comes together on the person's sheet.

    Unfortunately I couldn't find any sample sites with multimedia (beyond photos). Could someone possibly point me to a more complex example?

    Thank you.
    Try http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb....ogy/Farmer001/
    Go to the home card. I assume you are interested in web sites.
    Bob Farmer


      Re: multimedia layout

      FarmerBob --

      I did mean web sites -- and thank you, that was very useful..


        Re: multimedia layout

        Originally posted by rlgreen View Post
        FarmerBob --

        I did mean web sites -- and thank you, that was very useful..
        A post scrip. Notice that many of my multimedia have long transcriptions or explanations in the multimedia comments section. Unfortunately R10 now limits multimedia comments to only a few characters. I think it is 100 characters. I made those long transcriptions in earlier Reunion versions. I am very disappointed we can no long exceed the character limit.
        Bob Farmer


          Re: multimedia layout

          Hi Bob,

          Both Reunion 9 and 10 have a limit of 1,000 characters for the multimedia comments; I'm not sure why Reunion 10 is limiting you to 100 characters. Are you getting an error message when you try to enter more than 100 characters in Reunion 10?

          Mark Harrison
          Leister Productions, Inc.


            Re: multimedia layout

            Originally posted by Mark View Post
            Hi Bob,

            Both Reunion 9 and 10 have a limit of 1,000 characters for the multimedia comments; I'm not sure why Reunion 10 is limiting you to 100 characters. Are you getting an error message when you try to enter more than 100 characters in Reunion 10?

            I answered that to quick and to late at night and I misspoke. Mark, you are right, the limit is 1000 which is not enough to transcribe some documents. The 1000+ character transcriptions I have on some documents were made years ago and I don't know what Reunion version number was in effect at the time.

            I still wish Leister would open up the multimedia comments character limit to a greater number, say, 3500 characters.
            Bob Farmer


              Re: multimedia layout

              I've also suggested/requested in the past that this be increased - perhaps even to no limit.

              The Event Memo field in was increased in Reunion 10 on my request to 2,500 characters, but I couldn't persuade on the Media Notes field - but still hold out hope :-)

              Roger Moffat


                Re: multimedia layout

                What is the reason for any limited note fields to begin with? I keep bumping into limits in various fields. Really frustrating, which isn't to say I'm not really enjoying Reunion :-)

