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Person event field order scrambled

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    Person event field order scrambled

    I'm using Reunion 11.0.8.

    Suddenly the Edit Persons panel has started showing Event fields in a new order--Christen was placed at the bottom, after Burial. I think we'll all agree that that's not the usual order of things. For many years all my various versions of Reunion have showed the Event field order as Birth, Christen, etc.

    The order is correct in the list in the Preferences Field Preferences' Default Person Events list. Interestingly, I added two more default person events, Census and Residence, and placed them in the third and fourth positions, after Christen, to see what would happen. I then closed and reopened Reunion. The two new events were added to person events fields lists--but at the end, not in the order I had placed them in Preferences. So Reunion seems to cheerfully ignore some of what you do in Preferences.

    Yes, you can go into each and every individual's Events list and change the order, but with several thousand people, that's annoying. As is Reunion's changing this behavior on its own.

    Is there a fix for this bug?