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Page Breaks in Reunion 11 Books?

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    Page Breaks in Reunion 11 Books?

    I *love* the new look of Reunion 11's PDF book option, and there are more cool features than I would have thought to include. Well done!

    One small challenge that I have is that often a person's descriptive record will begin on the last line of a page, with the remainder of the text on the following page. I think this is called an "orphan" line, and it's unsightly.

    When working in Word, I use the "Insert page break before" command to avoid this situation.

    Is there any way to do this in the Reunion 11 book layout (or could it be added as a feature?). Having this ability within the program -- particularly because I'm guessing it would allow all the cool indexing functions to work properly -- would be oh-so-awesome!

    Any way to do this, now or in the future?


    Re: Page Breaks in Reunion 11 Books?


    Based on other posts, I don't think this is available. Many of us have voiced the wish for editability (is that a word?).
    Steve Kunnmann
    Midlothian, VA

    (Kunnmann, Basso, Hoffman, Lutz, Denton, Koster, Canning, Schineller)


      Re: Page Breaks in Reunion 11 Books?

      Thanks, Steve. I appreciate the response. I've been using Reunion since 1998, and just stumbled upon the newest version when I went looking for an answer to a nagging question. I didn't expect to like the PDF book option very much, but it's honestly quite wonderful and has motivated me to "regularize" (another questionable word?) my notes and annotations for better results in the book output.

      If I could just control the breaking pages, it'd be suitable for publication. As it is, it's still a nice research tool (The "Place Index" is great for collecting folks buried in the same cemetery!) but not as helpful (to me) as the existing Register Report, which I can edit in Word to achieve attractive page breaks.

      Happy 4th of July,

