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New User issues

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    New User issues

    I have a couple of small problems:

    a). in South Africa many assets and estates were disposed of both by will and by the MOOC - details can be found of the latter as pdf's in various websites. I would like to place these pdf's as part of my Reunion family tree, rather than just quoting them as a reference in the notes field. Yes, the originals are in either Afrikaans or English .. sometimes both;

    b). pdf's themselves. I am try to place in pdf's with little or no luck. Something tells me I am doing something very basically wrong; and,

    c). with some of the South African detail I have been requested by the author to place in citations and details. In some cases this leads up to five (5) different citations. (Grandfather, Grandmother, Father, Mother, and Target Child). I can of course place the Target Child as the base citation and the balance in the Notes. Comments please.

    I am not sure if the answer to your questions is as basic as this, but I'll give it a go.

    Usually if you have a document that has information that pertains to one or more people in your database, you will add it as a "source" into the Reunion sources list. When you do that, Reunion will assign a citation number to that source. Then, when you add the information to an individual's data or to a family's data you can then add the source number to specify where you got that particular piece of information. You can use the source number as often as you need. (I have one source that I have used for over 45,000 people.)

    Read more about how to make and use sources in the manual by clicking on the "?" in the bottom left corner of the Reunion window and finding the section that deals with sources.


      Thanks Blaise ... yes, I am a newbie.

