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Place historical notes -- where to put?

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    Place historical notes -- where to put?

    Unless I'm missing something, Reunion 10 doesn't seem to have a way to let you easily attach -- to the record field for a Place -- notes about the history of, and changes to that Place.

    For example, Wokingham has been in Berkshire County, England since 1844, but prior to that, "the north of the parish of Wokingham was part of a detached portion, or exclave, of the county of Wiltshire," per Wikipedia.

    I looked for a way to attach two paragraphs of this Wikipedia entry (of course along with my own note about the date I saw this on Wikipedia, the URL, etc) to the field for the Place, but no luck. I didn't want to put it in the Notes section for every person from Wokingham, as that seemed clumsy and time-consuming. Finally, I made a Log entry for it entitled "Wokingham County notes," but that feels unsatisfactory and far removed from where I'd like to easy access historical info about this Place.

    As it stands, two different people living in that Place before and after 1844 should end up creating two different Place entries (to show the different counties), but it's the same place. But I suppose in my example I could put Wiltshire in parens after Berkshire and leave it as one Place, but that's clumsy too.

    How do others handle this? It would be VERY NICE if the next update to R10 (or R11) would include a way to append historical information on a Place to the record entry for it, since it's so common for boundaries to change through time.

    Re: Place historical notes -- where to put?

    You could explain all of that in a source. Attach that source to the 'various' names for that place.
    rMBP, 15", 2.8GHz i7, 16G RAM, Reunion 12.0, iPhone 12 Pro Max, ReunionTouch


      Re: Place historical notes -- where to put?

      I put any notes on a place name in the Note field attached to the place name. As far as I understand your question, this should solve the problem. If you click on Places in the sidebar, you will see (lower right in the place list that appears) "Usage", "Note" and "Geo". It's very useful for recording just the sort of information you mention. The only improvement I have been asking Leister to incorporate is some sort of flag or pointer that indicates that a place name has a note attached to it: at present there is no indication that a place name has a note attached.
      Nick Michael
      LAIDMAN One-Name-Study
      GOONS Member 3814


        Re: Place historical notes -- where to put?

        Originally posted by Nick View Post
        I put any notes on a place name in the Note field attached to the place name. As far as I understand your question, this should solve the problem. If you click on Places in the sidebar, you will see (lower right in the place list that appears) "Usage", "Note" and "Geo". It's very useful for recording just the sort of information you mention. The only improvement I have been asking Leister to incorporate is some sort of flag or pointer that indicates that a place name has a note attached to it: at present there is no indication that a place name has a note attached.
        I'd also urge for the ability to link multimedia to a place record along with the notes and GeoCodes. This is the obvious place to link things like pictures of farmhouse buildings or churches.

        Other software does allow for this and its transfer by GEDCOM file to other software that supports it.

        Roger Moffat


          Re: Place historical notes -- where to put?

          Thanks all! Nick, that is exactly what I was looking for and I just didn't see it, nor could I find any reference to it when I searched the Help Manual. Hooray and thanks.

          I'd also thought a flag would be great so we could see in other places when a Place has a note attached, so another big YES vote for that idea and I trust someone at Leister reads all these posts even if they don't chime in.

          Rogers, I also love your idea of the multi-media attached to Places, that's a no-brainer and i hope we'll see that on the next go-round.



            Re: Place historical notes -- where to put?

            Originally posted by Susan Freas Rogers View Post
            As it stands, two different people living in that Place before and after 1844 should end up creating two different Place entries (to show the different counties), but it's the same place.
            When it is the same place but different counties at various times I have the multiple place entries. I have many people on my tree who lived in villages and hamlets that swung from Gloucestershire to Worcestershire to Warwickshire, depending on the time.
            Jan Powell
            in Wellington, New Zealand
            Apple/Mac since 1987, Reunion since 1993

